Luck Helps Those Who Dare

Do we create our own luck or do we simply have our lives determined by a single person or a group of superior forces that we can neither see nor hear?

I spent some time yesterday sending playing card artwork to a group of lady friends on Facebook wishing them much fortune. You might wonder if I am a Romany gypsy, that which I am not. I asked my husband yesterday about the Romany ways regarding luck, whether it is a fallacy or if there is any truth in it. His response was, yes but it mostly derives from witchcraft, the Romany people adopted and adapted it to their way of life.

Some time ago I played some card game with a group and found myself winning 5 times on the trot, but it seemed to follow in a pattern. Somehow the cards automatically found themselves back to me because of the amount of players. So it made me question, is luck man made or natural. Amazingly a deck of cards can make one a millionaire or broke in one fell swoop or alternatively a tarot deck can define whether one is going to die or be fortunate in times ahead.

After researching the history and meaning of cards I found this out.

Popular legend holds that the composition of a deck of cards has religious, mystical, or astrological significance.Thus each suit of 13 cards represents the 13 months of the lunar year. Since the sidereal lunar month may be approximated to 28 days, each suit is equal to 364 days of the year.

Similarly, the whole deck of 52 cards represents the 52 weeks of the year. Therefore, the whole deck is also equal to 364 days of the year (the positivist calendar).

The ace is symbolically β€œalpha and omega” or β€œthe beginning and end.”

Maybe I am right in saying that like the dear deck of cards that we have enjoyed playing with so much over the years, that luck is merely just a representation of our lives. We have positive and negative times, like a wheel. To me Luck is 50% trying at something and 50% up to the “Gods”. However if you are bad at cards maybe this proverb will make you smile.

“Unlucky at cards, lucky in love”

Good fortune to all on this day!